Frequently asked questions

What are your delivery hours?
Our standard delivery hours are Monday - Saturday, between 8am - 4pm. If you require deliveries outside of these regular hours, please be aware that additional charges will apply.
Our delivery fee starts at $50 for each way.
Is there a minimum order requirement for delivery or pick-up?
No, but please note that smaller orders outside of Franklin may incur a higher delivery fee.
Can we modify an order after hours?
Do you offer equipment setup?
Certainly! We offer equipment setup for an additional fee. Please share your requirements with us, and we will provide you with a personalized quote.
What if it rains during an outdoor event?
It's important to ensure the protection of our rental equipment. Please be aware that additional charges apply if any equipment is damaged due to excessive exposure to water. Your cooperation in safeguarding the items is greatly appreciated.
Can you provide items not listed on your website?
Certainly! We're continually expanding our inventory with new decor. Feel free to share your suggestions; we welcome them.
The Ivory Events team