Wedding Day Timeline *example*

9:00am – Bride will arrive at the venue to begin setup.

10:00am – Wedding Coordinator and setup crew arrives.

11:30am – Table setup and decor setup finished.

  • Bride and bridesmaids/family go to suite to get ready.

12:00pm – Groom arrives & Groomsmen.

1:30pm – Photographer arrives.

2:00pm – Hair and makeup finished.

2:15pm – Bride puts on wedding gown.

2:25pm – Father and daughter first look.

2:45pm – Bride and Groom take separate photos with the wedding party.

3:00pm – Bartender arrives to set up.

3:30pm – Catering arrives.

3:30pm – Pray/Prep for ceremony. (Bride and Groom’s parents need to be with their child at this time.)

3:35pm – Guests will start to arrive and Ushers will direct guests to seats.

3:50pm – Bridal party in their place to walk down the aisle.

4:00pm – Rev. walks down the aisle to announce the ceremony is about to begin and requests all cell phones be put on silent and no photos during the ceremony.

4:05pm – Ceremony begins.

4:15pm – Ceremony ends.

  • Family will be advised to take photos with the Bride and Groom.
  • The rest of the guests will be advised to start enjoying drinks and appetizers.

4:45pm – Guests will be advised to take their seats for dinner.

5:00pm –  Bride and Groom portraits.

6:00pm – Guests finish dinner.

6:05pm – First dance followed by Father daughter dance/Mother son dance.

Open dance & game playing.

7:15pm – Cupcakes are put out for guests.

8:45pm – Last call for drinks.

9:30pm – Bride and Groom sendoff.

9:35pm – Venue cleanup begins.

11:00pm – Cleanup must be finished and everyone out.